Climate signals, ice quakes and earth history from leading polar scientists – inspiring innovative new music, animation and beautiful images, combined to tell the story of the life of the Antarctic ice sheet.

You can watch here on YouTube. The music is available for free streaming and download at Bandcamp. You can read more about it in this article for the Geoscientist Magazine. Partners in this project include Stuart Hamilton and Chris Bell, together with friends at the British Antarctic Survey whose perspectives are captured in this press release.

 “ .... a deep understanding of Antarctica and its journey through eons of geological time ... a rare musical talent to bring that story to life ... an uplifting visual and musical journey ....  science changes lives and music changes lives; beware, ‘The Song of the Ice’ is powerful stuff!”
 David Vaughan

“Science, sounds and sights ... a truly remarkable and unique integration of all of them, using the Antarctic Ice Sheet as a unifying theme ... the Song of the Ice is an amazing achievement. Watch and listen; it will take your mind to far-away places and through distant times.”
Andy Smith

’For many years I have presented the ice core carbon dioxide graph with the sound of popping bubbles of ancient air being released from deep ice core samples. I can’t help admitting that the music of graph is more evocative, particularly with regard to the alarming recent rise in carbon dioxide’
Rob Mulvaney

